Rating: 7/10
'Give and take' relationships have been so pervasive that most people hesitate to interact with others unless they promise your elevation to a higher rank. Most people show respect or ask for their wellness for a reason: elevation of their place within the social structure. This kind of relationship is well depicted by O’Connor. For example, the mutual respect between Mrs. Turpin and her African-American workers is solely due to the benefits they gain out of that relationship. Mrs. Turpin even trusts her biggest virtue is possessing a good disposition even to dark-skinned workers, while the truth is that she pretends to have a good disposition because she can’t possibly do all household without her workers.
At this point, connection held by mutual needs is inevitable in this society. The world has been so much focused on profit that individuals don’t truly sympathize no matter what. The world is gradually becoming void of emotions, but full of calculations.
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